[FreeVMS] RE: Lot FreeVMS, Vol 6, Parution 2

Roar Thronæs roart at nvg.ntnu.no
Ven 10 Déc 09:24:32 CET 2004

On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 11:19:27AM -0700, Roger Tucker wrote:
> What do you use?  Do you use Bochs, or Plex86?

Bochs and a real PC.
Plex86 might once have been faster to use since it did not emulate
instructions, but now it seems to be for virtualizing Linux.

> I'm also in the same situation.  I would love to help, but we really need a
> detailed list of how to get freevms up and running for those of us that

Just do the steps in HOWTO and tell me about what problems you get.

> don't know linux that well.  I now have a dell laptop running Debian Linux.
> Don't know if I should get Bochs running or not...

Get bochs running.
Do not run FreeVMS natively on the computer you develop on.
Only run FreeVMS on PCs where you will not be hurt much if
your file system is lost.
(I use a Pentium I PC I found in a dumpster, and sometimes it
reboots like a yo-yo)

> I would like to work on SET COMMAND/cli$ etc...

You are welcome.

Roar Thronæs

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