[FreeVMS] Library routines

pdavies pdavies at catchdata.com
Mer 8 Déc 17:09:55 CET 2004

Hey Everyone, 

            My name is Phill Davies, I joined the mailing list a few weeks
ago. I had it in mind to start working on the library utility routines. Is
anyone else working on this? If you are, let me know and maybe I can help
out (or at least I'll know to look for another project). I don't really have
the skills to work on kernel stuff, but I hope I can contribute something to
this valiant project. 

            Just a little background on myself, I am an American, but I
speak German fairly well and have a little Russian and Spanish under my belt
so hopefully language won't be a barrier. I have been programming for about
6 years, and work as a computer technician. I am an OpenVMS hobbyist, and
the only reason I lean towards doing the LBR routines is because I have so
much experience with the librarian. 


If anyone out there has a definitive walkthrough on getting FreeVMS working
on a PC, please let me know. I have tried a few different sequences, but
basically what I've been doing is: 1: Get Linux installed, 2: Untar sources,
3: Build the Linker, 4: Do a make environment, 5: Build the kernel, 6: Build
the user space environment. 

It seems that everything get's installed correctly (binary's and stuff in
/vms$common, move bzImage to the boot directory, set up lilo, etc.) however,
when I try to boot the system all I get is a black screen. I'd prefer to set
it up like this rather than using bochs, if possible. If anyone can help me
that would be great.


Anyways, I'm glad to be working on this project, and anyone in the know
please let me know what I can do to help. 


Phill Davies  (binary at totalnetnh.net)

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