[FreeVMS] Library routines

Roar Thronæs roart at nvg.ntnu.no
Jeu 9 Déc 12:02:14 CET 2004

On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 11:09:55AM -0500, pdavies wrote:
>             My name is Phill Davies, I joined the mailing list a few weeks
> ago. I had it in mind to start working on the library utility routines. Is
> anyone else working on this? If you are, let me know and maybe I can help
> the only reason I lean towards doing the LBR routines is because I have so
> much experience with the librarian. 

If it is LBR$ you want to do, just go ahead.
No work is done yet, and I know of no one working on it.

> If anyone out there has a definitive walkthrough on getting FreeVMS working
> on a PC, please let me know. I have tried a few different sequences, but
> basically what I've been doing is: 1: Get Linux installed, 2: Untar sources,
> 3: Build the Linker, 4: Do a make environment, 5: Build the kernel, 6: Build
> the user space environment. 
> It seems that everything get's installed correctly (binary's and stuff in
> /vms$common, move bzImage to the boot directory, set up lilo, etc.) however,
> when I try to boot the system all I get is a black screen. I'd prefer to set

What kind of VGA-card do you have? AGP, PCI or ISA?
What do you see after lilo loads the kernel?

Roar Thronæs

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