[FreeVMS] VFS ODS-2 write support

Roar Thronæs roart at nvg.ntnu.no
Mer 8 Déc 15:59:29 CET 2004


I have been doing some work on Jonas Lindholm's VFS ODS-2 driver.
(I do not know if he has done much since the last release;
I have mailed him but got no reply yet.)

The driver is not exactly stable.
You may have to reboot.
To see a copied file you may have to unmount and mount.
So far it has only been tested on the ods2image2 floppy image.

The write support handles sequential, fixed record size 512.
That will suffice for some time.

It is available at: ftp.nvg.ntnu.no:/pub/linux/ods2/

-Roar Thronæs

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