[RPL/2] RPL/2 4.0.7

BERTRAND Joel joel.bertrand at systella.fr
Mar 1 Déc 10:25:23 CET 2009


	New RPL/2 stable release. Some work has been done on localization 
(string encodage) and portability (RPL/2 don't use system iconv 
anymore). Some bugs have been fixed.

Changes between 4.0.6 and 4.0.7:
- DISP now locks stdout;
- rpliconv is added to replace standard iconv provided by operating 
system. Indeed, conversion between different encodages requires 
transliteration that is not offered by some iconv utility;
- CURRENC and RECODE intrinsics have been written to allow strings 
- bug is fixed in SYSEVAL. When execvp() returns (for example when 
arg[0] can not be found), SYSEVAL enters in a dead lock;
- fprintf is replaced by some functions that allow transliterations 
between locales;
- '"' can now be used in strings ("\"");
- iconv is called with -c in preprocessor stage. It is done to write
CGI scripts with RPL/2 because locale charset is set to ANSI_X3.4-1968;
- double free is fixed in liberation() (type SQL, only occurs when 
locale is set);
- major bug is fixed in EXIT intrinsic that was able to return a false
execution error in compiled scripts (only in DO/UNTIL and REPEAT/WHILE 
- major bug is fixed in wrapper_instruction_intrinseque(). When 
intrinsic() was used in onLoading from shared library, USE was pushed on 
stack as algebraic expression;
- libiconv is upgraded to 1.13.1;
- gnuplot is upgraded to 4.2.6;
- gsl is upgraded to 1.13.



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