[RPL/2] libraries

BERTRAND Joël joel.bertrand at systella.fr
Mer 2 Jan 12:07:03 CET 2008

Adrian Blake wrote:
> Would you please give me an example on the use of the library functions EXTERNALS USE REMOVE


	I can. But I don't have time to write some examples (and process to 
build external libraries today). I shall try to write these examples as 
soon as possible. In a first time, you can see src/rplexternals.h and 
physical.rplc (in examples/external.tar.gz).

	You can build physical.rplso by mkrplso. External functions can be 
evaluated by :

#!/usr/local/bin/rpl -sc

     "./physical.rplso" use // load external functions
     -> LIB
         externals disp // display external functions
         1 energy disp
         1 physical$energy disp

     remove // unload external functions provided by physical.

	Name of external functions:
library_name$function_name or function_name if it's name is not ambiguous.



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