[FreeVMS] New release 0.0.57

Roar Thronæs roart at nvg.ntnu.no
Lun 20 Sep 16:03:20 CEST 2004


New release 0.0.57 at
ftp.nvg.ntnu.no:/pub/vms/freevms (freevms-0_0_57.tgz and linker-0_0_57)
(Linker might not change each time)

Some support for ELF images to be loaded, activated and run by DCL;
so far it worked only for the simplest image.
Console terminal driver integrated with class driver.
Trying to do terminal driver duplex.
3c90x driver works.
Updated and extended linker (objdump and nm-new is also usable).
The linker-produced images are now default with DCL.
Softints are now used instead of function calls to implement softints.

Bugs fixed:
3c900 used uninitialized data.
Stack damage due to logical system service not returning proper length.

Userland recompile is definitely needed.
3c905 is not tested, but might work.
The linker must be made.
The linker does not do symbol table right.
With CONFIG_VMS, ELF binaries can be run (fork/exec) by
prefixing commands with _).
The CONFIG_VMS terminal driver still has stability problems.

Roar Thronæs

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