[FreeVMS] New release 0.0.56

Roar Thronęs roart at nvg.ntnu.no
Lun 6 Sep 17:08:39 CEST 2004


New release 0.0.56 at
ftp.nvg.ntnu.no:/pub/vms/freevms (freevms-0_0_56.tgz and linker-0_0_45)
(Linker might not change each time)

Gcc 3.4 can now be used for compiling. (But some issues may remain.)
Basic exe$fao (which at least can do what CMUIP wants).
New console terminal driver.
CTRL-P can reboot the box if it is not too much crashed.
Pseudo terminal driver (imported from CMU).
Minimal terminal class driver.
Ne2k driver works now (at least with Bochs).
No longer uses keventd and ksoftirqd.
Incoming telnet works (gives DCL and no login).

Bugs fixed:
Lots of pointer related fixes in CMUIP.
Ne2k is now working.
ASTs were in some cases not run due to missing psl_intr was not set.
ASTs were in some cases not run due to missing interrupt.
Ioc$ffchan could return channel beyond limits.
Mailbox driver had wrong parameter order in some calls.
Wait/event flag related.
Too late initialization of P1PP.
Scheduling queue corruption.
Everlasting loop in mmg$search_rde_va.

The UML version does still not work.
DCL I/O has changed, so it must be recompiled to be used with CONFIG_VMS.
Telnet may give double output.
With CONFIG_VMS only dcl can be used as init.

Roar Thronęs

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