[RPL/2] library in interactive mode

BERTRAND Joël joel.bertrand at systella.fr
Mar 28 Sep 20:18:59 CEST 2004

Olivier Garet a écrit :
> Hello

	Hello Olivier,

> Thanks to Joel for writing this beautiful tool.

	You're welcome.

> I wish to use rpl as a programming calculator, but I do not understand
> if it is possible to record some functions on files and use them in
> interactive mode.  Is it possible ?

	You can use two types of functions :

1/ half-compiled functions written in RPL/2, but you have to execute a 
script :

#!/usr/local/bin/rpl -c

<< "ma fonction" disp ... >>

#include "ma_bibliothèque_traitement_signal.rpl"
#include "calcul_matriciel.rpl"

Warning : don't forget that the first function will be the main program. 
Thus, you have to put all #include intrinsics _after_ your main program.

2/ compiled functions by mkrplso in a shared object (.rplso) like :

#include <rplargs.h>

essai(struct_rpl_arguments *rpl_arguments)
     struct_objet            *s_objet;

     printf("Ceci est une routine de test pour tester "
             "un appel de bibliothèque\n");

     (*rpl_arguments).l_base_pile_last = 
sauvegarde_arguments(rpl_arguments, 2);

     s_objet = malloc(sizeof(struct_objet));
     strcpy((*s_objet).type, "INT");
     (*s_objet).objet = malloc(sizeof(integer8));
     (*((integer8 *) (*s_objet).objet)) = 1;

     (*rpl_arguments).l_base_pile =
             empilement_pile_operationnelle(rpl_arguments, s_objet);

     (*rpl_arguments).erreur = 1;
     (*rpl_arguments).type_erreur = 'E';
     (*rpl_arguments).message_erreur =
             "Ceci n'est pas une erreur (Magritte) !\n";


and you can use this function with USE/REMOVE/EXTERNAL intrinsics.

	At this time, there is not issue to use the interactif mode with 
external functions written in RPL/2. In fact, when you start RPL/2 in 
interactive mode, you launch a regular program (a loop like << do halt 
until false end >>) in debug mode. But, if you try to write :

#!/usr/local/bin -c

<< do halt until false end >>

<< 1 + >>

and to execute, you will obtain a prompt, and it will be possible to 
execute add1, but step by step (or with CONT intrinsic).

> Moreover, I found a difference between the behavior of "rpl -i" and
> the behavior of a HP28S calculator: variables which contain programs
> are not spontaneously evalued.

	I know. There are some little differences between a regular HP-28S and 
my RPL/2. Maybe you have seen that DISP doesn't take any line number... 
The main difference is the distinction made between variables and 
programs. A program is a function written in a text file. A variable is 
an internal object and can contain a program (a RPN expression). A long 
time ago, I have authorized the evaluation of all programs stored in a 
variable it was impossible to put any RPN expressions in the stack.

> Example: 
> << 1 + >> 'addi' sto 1 addi
>  on an HP28S, you get 1: 2 .

	On a calculator, there is no difference between interactive and script 
mode. In RPL/2, you should write

<< 1 addi clmf >>

<< 1 + >>

> whereas with rpl -i, you get 
> 2: 1
> 1: << 1 + >>
> Yep, with << 1 + >> 'addi' sto 1 addi eval , you get 2 also.

	I have to upgrade the documentation, but I don't have time enough... 
Any volunteer ? ;-)



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