[FreeVMS] Problems running FreeVMS

Guido guidoj2269 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 21:41:29 CET 2015

Hi Zoltan,

> You mean that I would be able to compile on a Debian an executable 
> that would run in the FreeVMS environment?
> ...an ftp server or apache... or even a gcc?

In a way yes. Besides that FreeVMS is based on Linux, it also uses an 
old Debian Linux version of glibc. This means that you can build some 
userland programs on the Debian host that will run on FreeVMS. Something 
like gcc is out of the question though, because it requires a native 
FreeVMS libc among other things. Ultimately all the Linux stuff wil have 
to be replaced by native FreeVMS code, but that takes time.

> This sounds very dummy to ask, but are the QIOs implemented in 
> FreeVMS...if yes are they similar to OpenVMS?

FreeVMS provides several original VMS system services, including QIO. 
They may be buggy and incomplete though.

May I suggest that you set up a (virtual) Debian system and check out my 
git branch. If you closely follow the instructions in the HOWTO you 
should be able to build FreeVMS and create your own disk image. At 
present you must use the floppy disk image from Roar to boot FreeVMS in 
qemu. Hopefully that will answer a lot of your questions.


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