[FreeVMS] L4Ka. Regression with 4.7 and 4.8 ?

BERTRAND Joël joel.bertrand at systella.fr
Sat Jun 22 21:38:36 CEST 2013

Oleg Endo a écrit :
> The code in idt.c compiled with 4.6 puts static initialization functions
> into the .ctors section, while 4.7 puts them into the .init_array
> section.  Probably this happens only for this single file in the whole
> kernel.  My guess is that the .init_array section is not handled
> properly by the startup code of the kernel.  Or maybe it's even stripped
> out completely (missing in the linker script).  Either way, it seems
> that static initialization for idt.c is not being done properly and thus
> the code crashes.

	I don't think that ctors are stripped by linker script. This script is 
built by makefile. Here is my script :

_start_text_phys = 0x600000;
_start_text = _start_text_phys + 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000;
  . = ALIGN(4k);
  .text _start_text : AT (ADDR(.text) - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000)
  . = ALIGN(4k);
  .rodata . : AT (ADDR(.rodata) - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000)
  . = ALIGN(4K);
  .kip . : AT (ADDR(.kip) - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000)
   . = ALIGN(16);
  _memory_descriptors_raw = ABSOLUTE((_memory_descriptors_offset << 32)
   + _memory_descriptors_size);
  _memory_descriptors_offset = memory_descriptors - kip;
  _memory_descriptors_size =
   (4K - ((memory_descriptors - kip) & (4K-1))) / 16;
  . = ALIGN(((1 << 21)));
  _start_syscalls = .;
  .syscalls . : AT (ADDR(.syscalls) - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000)
   . = ALIGN((0x100));
   . = ALIGN((0x100));
   . = ALIGN((0x100));
   . = ALIGN((0x100));
   . = ALIGN((0x100));
   . = ALIGN((0x100));
   . = ALIGN((0x100));
   . = ALIGN((0x100));
   . = ALIGN((0x100));
   . = ALIGN((0x100));
  . = ALIGN(((1 << 21)));
  _end_syscalls = .;
  . = ALIGN(((1 << 21)));
  _start_cpu_local = .;
  .cpulocal . : AT (ADDR(.cpulocal) - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000)
  . = ALIGN(((1 << 21)));
  _end_cpu_local = .;
  .data . : AT (ADDR(.data) - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000)
      _start_bss = .;
      _end_bss = .;
  . = ALIGN(4K);
  .kdebug . : AT(ADDR(.kdebug) - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000)
  . = ALIGN(4K);
  .sets . : AT(ADDR(.sets) - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000)
   . = ALIGN(16);
   _start_setlist = .;
   _end_setlist = .;
   . = ALIGN(16);
   _start_sets = .;
   _end_sets = .;
  . = ALIGN(4K);
  _end_text = .;
  . = ALIGN(4K);
  _start_bootmem = .;
  . = . + BOOTMEM_SIZE;
  _end_bootmem = .;
  . = ALIGN(4K);
   _start_init = . - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000;
  .init (. - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000) : AT(ADDR(.init))
      . = ALIGN(1K);
      *(.init.init32) FILL(0x90909090);
      . = . + 1K;
             . = ALIGN(1K);
   . = ALIGN(16);
   _start_mdb_funcs = .;
   _end_mdb_funcs = .;
   . = ALIGN(16);
   /* cpu-local static initializers */
                 __ctors_CPU__ = .;
   /* node-local static initializers */
                 __ctors_NODE__ = .;
   /* global static initializers */
                 __ctors_GLOBAL__ = .;
  _end_init = .;
  /* special section that is discarded during linking
        all unwanted sections should go here */
  . = ALIGN(4K);
/* physical addresses */
_end_text_phys = _end_text - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000;
_start_syscalls_phys = _start_syscalls - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000;
_end_syscalls_phys = _end_syscalls - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000;
_start_bootmem_phys = _start_bootmem - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000;
_end_bootmem_phys = _end_bootmem - 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000;



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