[FreeVMS] gcc and VMS calling standard

bojan at alba.si bojan at alba.si
Dim 27 Avr 11:24:30 CEST 2008


My name is Bojan Nemec and I am from Slovenia,
I am not new on this mailing list, but this is my first message.

Looking to the gcc backend I figured out how to modify it and implement something similar to the VMS calling standard on VAX.
With my modification you can add an attribute to the function, which instructs the compiler to push the number of arguments (longwords) to the stack when calling the function.
I have also added an built in function which can be used to implement the va_count macro. The gcc version I used was 4.1.2 and only for i386 (some more study must be done for 64bit targets).

So my questions are:

- Have you implemented (and how if yes) the variable argument count?
- Which version of gcc is used to compile FreeVMS?
- How can I share my code?


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