[FreeVMS] freeVMS for laering OpenVMS, QEMU

Warnke, Robert warnke at fiz-chemie.de
Ven 12 Oct 12:46:16 CEST 2007


I would like to learn OpenVMS but I haven't it. I think the best way for 
this is to use FreeVMS. So I 'm doing my first steps. (I'm a Linux 
systemadministrator and use Linux on my desktop systems too.)

I use FreeVMS in QEMU but I use different QEMU options:

qemu -fda a.img -hda c.img -boot a -localtime -snapshot

-localtime is for the right time
-snapshot prevent the images for changing

For the first steps FreeVMS is ok but sometimes it crashed.
Maybe this great project is to young for a stable system or is it a good 
idea to write bug reports for this chrashes?


Robert Warnke
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