[FreeVMS] New release 0.3.3

Roar Thronæs roart at nvg.ntnu.no
Dim 25 Fév 15:53:23 CET 2007


New release 0.3.3 at
ftp.nvg.ntnu.no:/pub/vms/freevms (freevms-0_3_3.tgz and linker-0_2_6)

Disk images are named a.img.gz and c.img.gz.
The USE file or reference to it should accompany downloads.
(For x86_64 they are named a.img.x86_64.gz and c.img.x86_64.gz)
The README file should be read first.

Started to use lock manager in the file system.
Added some code for IDE PCI and DMA.
Added show locks in analyze/system.

Bugs/features fixed:
Some uninitialized variables.
Memory leaks in file system, bufpost, lock manager.
Missing lock manager spinlocking.
Two QIO in rms used local stack IOSB.

New bugs/features:
Probably some.

Due to reconstruction, some 0.3.2 announced fixes did not get in until
this release.
DMA may cause some problems.

Roar Thronæs

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