[FreeVMS] Hello

John Doe lugsam at gmail.com
Jeu 15 Fév 03:46:10 CET 2007


I found freeVMS searching the web for information about OpenVMS. I
find wonderfull to exist a  free software implementation of VMS.

What i can not figure out is how to install the system on a PC.

Can somebody help me?

Thanks a lot for your help!

   .''`.   John Doe
  : :' :   LUGS: http://www.cafelug.org.ar/ | http://www.lugsam.org.ar/
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           UIN: 92831439
           JID: john-doe[AT]jabber[DOT]org
           MSN: dspesm123456[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
           "Experiencia compartida, es experiencia adquirida."

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