[FreeVMS] Re: new str$ routines - to NULL or not to NULL, that is the question....

Roar Thronæs roart at nvg.ntnu.no
Jeu 8 Sep 12:15:26 CEST 2005

On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 10:57:19AM -0600, Roger Tucker wrote:
> Malloc() may not be re-entrant, but should be.  I'll try to look into this.
> I haven't been working on the str$ routines because I didn't want to step on
> anyone and I haven't had much time lately.  Although, I may be able to work
> on things again this week.

Peer review (and fixes) does not hurt.

Just figured out what went wrong.
Seems the real fault did not lie in the string routines at all.
It was something in I/O-completion and a buffer that should not have been used.

> I never did get a freevms system built or working correctly and I ran out of
> time, so I gave up.  That's going to be a problem, we all have very limited
> time so things have to work and be straight forward or we just spend our
> time getting there and not having anytime to do anything.

Expect build problems to consume little time.
(After a build the development work has just started...)

I made a new HOWTO for the last release, you may look into that.

Roar Thronæs

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