[FreeVMS] Re: new str$ routines - to NULL or not to NULL, that is the question....

Roar Thronęs roart at nvg.ntnu.no
Lun 5 Sep 16:41:16 CEST 2005

On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 05:53:53PM -0600, Roger Tucker wrote:
> If everyone agrees, I'm going to fix the str$ routines to work the way they
> should... and come out with a new version that fixes all the bugs in them...

Could you also take a look at asynchronous/locking issues?
As you know, I have problems with telnet crashing inside malloc.
Now I suspect it may have something to do with asynchronous use of
And/or a different "malloc" implementation that does not store data in
the 8 bytes below what malloc gives you.
But I am not sure.

Roar Thronęs

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