[FreeVMS] New release 0.1.16

Roar Thronæs roart at nvg.ntnu.no
Ven 18 Nov 10:10:42 CET 2005


New release 0.1.16 at
ftp.nvg.ntnu.no:/pub/vms/freevms (freevms-0_1_16.tgz and linker-0_1_6)

VFS ODS2 at ftp.nvg.ntnu.no:/pub/linux/ods2/ods2-0.9.3.w3p1.tar.gz

It is now possible to load an ELF executable and run a routine in it.
XQP and ext2 impure area is now per-process.
Started to wrap VFS system calls to RMS.

Bugs fixed:
VFS ODS2 was fixed with regard to sector_t.
XQP and ext2 impure area etc was shared
(was really a consciously chosen feature).

New bugs/features:
Probably some.

Roar Thronæs

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