[FreeVMS] New release 0.2.0

Roar Thronæs roart at nvg.ntnu.no
Ven 16 Déc 10:15:49 CET 2005

On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 02:17:09PM -0500, LiteStar numnums wrote:

> Also, what is the state of native bliss? Is anyone working on it? I'll put
> some
> code where my mouth is if need be =).

I am working on Bliss according to the needs of the telnet client.
(I have not yet tried to compile other applications.)

I expect there will be some time before a compiler can be run on
FreeVMS itself.
A lot of development is needed before that stage.

But more developers are needed on every component, so there are lots of
opportunities if you need anything to do.

Roar Thronæs

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