[FreeVMS] Re: about FreeVMS

BERTRAND Joël joel.bertrand at systella.fr
Mer 4 Aou 10:35:54 CEST 2004

Wesley Parish a écrit :
> Did you get my message about using the ReactOS kernel, etc, for assisting you
> with some of the VMS stuff that isn't readily available/usable on Unix-style
> OSes?  (I'm assuming that the current FreeVMS is adapted from Linux?)

	I don't remember your message, sorry. I will post this one on the 
mailing list. Maybe can you subscribe ? The current kernel is adapted 
from a 2.4 Linux kernel (but with some modifications, of course).

> Anyway, congrats on booting FreeVMS on Bochs!

	Thanks ;-)



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